Join our Discord server and start Generating!

For newcomers please follow the instructions below.

For those Familiar with Discord Follow Steps 4 – 7

香港學界 AI 藝術創作

QR Code

Midjourney Server

Midjourney Server

QR Code

Lets Get Started!

With only a few steps.


Step 1

Open Google Play Store


Step 1

Open App Store

Step 2
Install Application

Search and Install “Discord”

Step 3
Registration & Email Verification

Open Discord and Register (Follow Steps)
And Verify your email used in Registration

Step 4
Join Server

  1. Press “Join a friend on Discord”
  2. Input Invite Code “AbfveN5Kqb”
    or Scan QR Code Above

Step 5
Accept Invite

Accept Invite

Step 6
Find Channel

  1. Select Hamburger Icon (top right)
  2. Select one of the channels

Step 6
Accept ToS

  1. Type “/imagine” and Select Suggested
  2. Add “cat” and Send Message
    (Purple Icon Right)
  3. Press “Accept ToS”

Step 7
First Image

  1. Type “/imagine” and Select Suggested
  2. Add “cat” and Send Message
    (Purple Icon Right)
  3. Wait for image to Generate

Step 7
Happy Generating!

Keep Note: New Accounts only have 25 images to generate*